Customizable Selections
Discover our latest offers on a variety of products, from snacks to fresh produce, frozen foods, beverages and other supplies.
We work with you to curate a product selection that fits your place of business - weather you're focused on health-conscious options, traditional favorites, or a mix of both.

Fresh Food
Made-to-order Sandwhiches & Wraps
Salads & Fruit Bowls
Breakfast items like Yogurt Parfaits and Protein Packs.
Heat-and-eat meals for a quick lunch or dinner.

Frozen Food
Heat-and-eat entrees (pasta, rice bowls, stir-fries).
Frozen Burrito and Wraps
Breakfast sandwiches
Healthy microwavable meals (low-calorie, high-protein options)
Vegetarian and plant-based meal choices.
Ice Cream

Healthy Snacks
Protein Bars
Trail Mixes
Fresh Fruit
Nuts & Seeds
Gluten-free, Vegan, and Low-Sugar options

Popular snacks
Chips & Pretzels
Candy Bars
Granola Bars
Cookies and Sweet Treats

Bottled Water
Sparkling Water
Energy drinks
Cold Brew Coffee
Soft Drinks

Microwaveable Meals
Dairy Products
Personal Care Items
PPE Gear
And More